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Firsts, by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn -REVIEW-

January 18, 2016
Firsts, by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn review

Title: Firsts
Author: Laurie Elizabeth Flynn
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Release date: January 5th 2016
Find on Goodreads here

My thoughts

Alright. So here's the deal with this book. I read the synopsis a while back and I was sold. Totally and completely sold. Then, reviews began to show up and I was so pumped to read Firsts! Until I actually read it. And was disappointed. Another case of over-hype...

The idea behind First is so original and eye-opening, I have to tilt my hat to Laurie E. Flynn for it. A story about a girl who's promiscuous? A story where the MC isn't all innocent? What is happening with the world? It's evolving, that's what. It is finally becoming real.

The idea behind the character that is Mercedes is a breath of fresh air because the truth is, some girl do have sex before marriage. Shocker, right? What I didn't like was the execution; it's what turned me off while reading.

I couldn't relate to Mercedes. No, not because of her extra cufricular activities, but because of her actual personality. She was always whining about something, or telling herself "alright, this is the last guy. Or maybe not. Yeah, let's just sleep with another one". She was SO annoying! Everyone was being so nice to her and she kept pushing them away! The "I don't want to hurt you excuse"? It's bullshit. Let people make their own decision. They will decide FOR THEMSELVES if they want to be your friend or not. 

Though I would have liked to see the author go deeper, slut shaming and double standards was present in this book, which was a major positive. 
I'll be honest here for a second, I did judge some girls at school because of what they did. One day, I finally realized that it takes two person to sleep together (duh) and it completely changed my perception on things! If anything, I hope this book opens up people's mind.

To sum everything up, Firsts deals with important subjects such as slut shaming, double standards and promiscuity, but I was hoping for something better. I felt let down by this book, but I still encourage everyone to read, simply for the message it gives to the reader.

Three stars, okay read

Comments (6)

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Ah I totally understand where you're coming from. I'm still debating whether or not I want to get this book because I'm not that big of a fan of contemporaries, but I do agree with the fact that this book is one of those books you have to read solely for the message they're sending out.
My recent post Review: In the Blood
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
I definitely encourage you do read it! It wasn't a bad book, it simply didn't live up to all the hype surrounding it. Take away the hype and it would have probably gotten a higher rating.
The message is definitely worth it though! Let me know what you think of it, I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on this one! :D
My recent post In case of HYPE encounter -DISCUSSION-
Oh no - I'm so sorry you were disappointed by this one! The synopsis really struck my attention too, so I'm not sure if i'm going to read it. It sounds like something I would really enjoy, but now I'm not too sure. The message sounds really important though, so I might just pick it up for that. I recently read a book that seems a bit similar (and I LOVED said other book), so I'm really unsure! I'll have to read some more reviews, haha.

Great review!
Denise | The Bibliolater
My recent post Why TROUBLE Will Be Your Next Favourite Book
1 reply · active 476 weeks ago
I would still recommand you to read it, even if it didn't live up to my expectations. The message ad the themes explored in this book were incredible and it is still a really entertaining read!
Ouh! That other book sounds good! What's it called? :)
My recent post When I First Saw You #08
Wonderful review. I have heard some interesting things about this but have seen a lot of mixed reviews :| So I still don't know whether I want to read it or not. It does sound interesting so I definitely feel I need to try this one for myself and see what I make of it :)
1 reply · active 476 weeks ago
Thank you! I heard lots of people who absolutely loved this book too|For my part, I still found it good, it just didn't live up to my expectations... I do totally recommend you to read it so you can make up your own mind about it! :D
My recent post When I First Saw You #08

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